293 research outputs found

    An efficient and private RFID authentication protocol supporting ownership transfer

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems are getting pervasively deployed in many daily life applications. But this increased usage of RFID systems brings some serious problems together, security and privacy. In some applications, ownership transfer of RFID labels is sine qua non need. Specifically, the owner of RFID tag might be required to change several times during its lifetime. Besides, after ownership transfer, the authentication protocol should also prevent the old owner to trace the tags and disallow the new owner to trace old transactions of the tags. On the other hand, while achieving privacy and security concerns, the computation complexity should be considered. In order to resolve these issues, numerous authentication protocols have been proposed in the literature. Many of them failed and their computation load on the server side is very high. Motivated by this need, we propose an RFID mutual authentication protocol to provide ownership transfer. In our protocol, the server needs only a constant-time complexity for identification when the tag and server are synchronized. In case of ownership transfer, our protocol preserves both old and new owners’ privacy. Our protocol is backward untraceable against a strong adversary who compromise tag, and also forward untraceable under an assumption

    A secure and private RFID authentication protocol based on quadratic residue

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    Radio Frequency IDentification based systems are getting pervasively deployed in many real-life applications in various settings for identification and authentication of remote objects. However, the messages that are transmitted over a insecure channel, are vulnerable to security and privacy concerns such as data privacy, location privacy of tag owner and etc. Recently, Yeh et al.'s proposed a RFID authentication protocol based on quadratic residue which is claimed to provide location privacy and prevent possible attacks. In this paper, we formally analyzed the protocol and we proved that the protocol provides destructive privacy according to Vaudenay privacy model. Moreover, we proposed a unilateral authentication protocol and we prove that our protocol satisfies higher privacy level such as narrow strong privacy. Besides, we proposed an enhanced version of our proposed protocol, which has same privacy level as Yeh at al protocol, but has reader authentication against stronger adversaries. Furthermore, the enhanced version of our protocol uses smaller number of cryptographic operations when compared to Yeh at al protocol and it is also cost efficient at the server and tag side and requires O(1) complexity to identify a RFID tag

    Mülteci Eğitiminin Bir Temeli Olarak Kapsayıcı Öğretmen Nitelikleri: Türk Öğretmenlerin Görüşlerine Göre Bir Çerçeve İncelemesi

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    The present study aimed to discuss the teacher qualifications necessary to create inclusive education environments towards Syrian students who are under the status of temporary protection and educated in Turkey on the basis of the experiences and views of teachers. In the study, the phenomenological design was preferred as it was attempted to address the concept of inclusiveness specific to refugee students and to make sense of the concept based on the views of active teachers. The data of the study were collected through open-ended questions asked to 90 teachers teaching in classes including Syrian students together with Turkish students and the collected data were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings were reported within the context of 6 categories and 2 themes constructed considering 32 codes and each category was presented together with the related frequencies and percentages. The findings of the study showed that the teacher qualifications deemed to be necessary in refugee education were addressed under the dimensions “activity planning/implementation” and “teacher approach” by the participating teachers. Moreover, it was revealed that teacher qualifications regarding the issues such as knowledge and awareness about, attitude towards and communication with refugee students support the teacher qualifications related to activity planning and implementation. In light of the results of the study, various suggestions were made to develop teacher qualifications within the paradigm of inclusive learning.Bu araştırma, Türkiye’ de öğrenim gören geçici koruma altındaki Suriyeli öğrencilere yönelik kapsayıcı eğitim ortamları oluşturmada gerekli öğretmen niteliklerini yine öğretmenlerin deneyim ve bakış açıları üzerinden tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırmada kapsayıcılık kavramının, mülteci öğrenciler özelinde ele alınması ve kapsayıcılığın sahadaki öğretmenlerin görüşlerine göre anlamlandırılması adına olgu bilim yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Araştırmada veriler mülteci öğrencilerin de içinde bulunduğu sınıflarda görev yapan 90 öğretmenin açık uçlu sorulara verdikleri yanıtlardan elde edilerek, içerik analizi yöntemi ile çözümlenmiştir. Bulgular; 32 kod dikkate alınarak oluşturulan 6 kategori, 2 tema ve her bir kategorinin sahip olduğu frekans ve yüzde değerleri ile birlikte raporlaştırılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları, mülteci eğitiminde gerekli öğretmen niteliklerinin katılımcılar tarafından ‘etkinlik planlama/uygulama’ ve ‘öğretmen yaklaşımı’ boyutları altında ele alındığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca mülteci öğrencilerle ilgili bilgi/farkındalık, tutum ve iletişim konularındaki öğretmen niteliklerinin, etkinlik tasarlama ve uygulama niteliklerini desteklediği ortaya çıkmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına dayalı olarak, kapsayıcı öğrenme paradigması içerisinde öğretmen niteliklerini geliştirmek adına çeşitli öneriler sunulmuştur

    Examining the Factors Affecting University Students’ Participation in Recreational Activities

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    This research is a study with the aim of determining the factors that affect the participation of students from different faculties in the university in recreational activities. Thus, it is aimed to reveal the factors affecting the participation of students from different faculties in the university to recreational activities and to develop recommendations on what they should do about their participation in recreational activities given to universities in the current laws. There are many factors that affect the leisure time preferences of individuals. Determining these elements will guide planners and managers in determining the adequacy, content and appropriateness of recreation and leisure activities to be developed. In the study, students from different faculties in the university participated in the survey with the participation of a total of 156 volunteers, 98 female and 58 male, in the province of İzmir. As a data collection tool, the “Personal Information Form” and the data related to the factors (motivation) that affect participation in recreational activities were obtained by using the scale developed by Beard and Ragheb (1980 and 1983) and adapted to Turkish by Karlı et al. (2008). The scale consists of 34 items. The data obtained were analyzed using the SPSS 23 program. It was tested with “t-test”, “ANOVA” to obtain statistical results. “Tukey post hoc” test was used to determine which groups caused the significant difference. As a result of the research, when the factors affecting students’ participation in recreational activities were examined, it was concluded that the factor with the highest average is “to discover new things”. The statement with the lowest average in the scale was “to gain the respect of others”. In addition, according to the sub-dimension averages, it was seen that the most effective factor in the participation of individuals in recreational activities was the unattractive - attractive factors, and the least important factor was sociability

    Türk Kültüründe Geçmişten Günümüze “Davul”

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    Davul, tek başına Türk kültür dokusuna ilişkin önemli değerleri barındıran bir çalgı olarak, Türk tarihi, kültürü ve Türk Halk müzik kültürü için son derece önemlidir. Davul, Türk Kültüründe hâkimiyet sembolü oluşu, tuğ takımlarının başlıca çalgısı olması, halk içinde duyuru aracı olarak kullanılması, düğünlerde, festivallerde ve törenlerde eğlenceyi, cenaze törenlerinde acıyı anlatması nedenleri ile Türk kültüründe ayrıcalıklı bir yere sahiptir. Türk coğrafyasında son derece yaygın olmasının en önemli nedeni Türklerin ilk çalgılarından biri olması ile ilişkilidir. Davul, Türklerin en eski devletlerinden biri olan Hunlardan bugüne Türk kültür tarihinde önemli bir yer edinmiş, isim değişiklikleriyle ve şekil değişiklikleriyle günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır. Anadolu’da davula ilişkin gözlenen çeşitlilik bir çok unsuru içinde barındırmaktadır. Tarihsel gelişimi, yapım şekli, kullanılan malzeme, davulun boyutlarındaki çeşitlilik ve üstüne üstelik yörelere göre farklı isimlendirilmesi araştırmanın yapılmasına ışık tutmuştur.  Literatür taramasına dayalı betimsel bir çalışma olan bu makalede davulun Anadolu’daki tarihsel gelişimi, çeşitliliği, yapısal özelliklerinin yanı sıra her yöredeki boyut farklılarının önemi üzerinde de durulmuştur

    An investigation into students' academic and occupational English language needs at Office Management and Secretarial Studies Departments of Niğde University's Vocational Colleges

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This study investigated the English language needs of the students enrolled in the office management and secretarial studies departments of Niğde University’s vocational colleges. Niğde University provides its students at the office management and secretarial studies department with a vocational English course. This study aimed at finding out academic and occupational English language needs of office management and secretary students, from the perspectives of the currently enrolled students, former students, content teachers, and employers, in hopes of being able to make well-based curricular recommendations for vocational English course at office management and secretarial studies departments of Niğde University. Data were collected, via four different questionnaires, from 196 currently enrolled students, 39 former students, 35 content teachers, and 32 employers. The questionnaires were then analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVAs, t-tests, Tukey test, and oneway chi-square tests. In this thesis, the main results of the needs assessment can be summarized as that a new curriculum is required for the vocational English course at the office management and secretarial studies departments of Niğde University’s vocational colleges. This study also revealed that the new curriculum should attempt to meet students’ target needs along with their learning needs. In this study, the target and learning needs that are essential for students’ academic and occupational success were examined under four basic English language skills, and presented as suggestions in order to develop a new course curriculum. In addition, the results pointed out that the new course curriculum should focus more on improving students’ reading and speaking skills compared to writing and listening skills. Respectively, all of the participant groups of the study agreed on the importance of using content-related reading materials from the internet.Çelik, SerkanM.S

    Smoothness of the green function for some special compact sets

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    Ankara : The Department of Mathematics and the Enstitute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 54-55).Smoothness of the Green functions for some special compact sets, which are sequences of closed intervals with certain parameters, is described in terms of the function ϕ(δ) = 1 log 1 δ that gives the logarithmic measure of sets. As a tool, we use the so-called nearly Chebyshev polynomials and Lagrange interpolation. Moreover, some concepts of potential theory are explained with illustrative examples.Çelik, SerkanM.S

    Examining the Factors Affecting the Selection of the Recreation Activity Type of University Students

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    This research was conducted to determine the recreational activity choices of the students studying at various faculties of the university. The main purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the selection of recreational activity of university students. A total of 156 students, 98 female and 58 male, studying at various faculties in İzmir Universities, participated in the survey. As the data collection tool, “Personal Information Form” and the scale made by Arslan (2010 and 2012) to measure the factors affecting the selection of the recreational activity type were used. The data obtained were analyzed by using the SPSS 23 program. “T-test”, “ANOVA” and “Tukey post hoc” tests were used to obtain statistical results.  “Guidance” sub-dimension mean score values and “general scale” mean score values were higher in women than men (p<0.05). “Personal suitability” and “environment” sub-dimension mean score values of individuals with an income of 1000 TL and below are higher than individuals with higher income (p<0.05). A significant difference was observed only in the mean scores of the “guidance” sub-dimension according to the educational background of the mothers of the individuals (p<0.05). When the mean score values of “personal suitability”, “guidance” sub-dimension and “general scale” were examined, it was concluded that the mean score values of individuals whose fathers are primary and high school graduates were higher than those whose fathers were bachelor and master graduates (p<0.05). Mean scores of “personal suitability”, “environment” sub-dimensions and “general scale” were higher in individuals whose family with an income of 1001 - 2000 TL per month, that is, the lowest income group (p<0.05). When we look at the “guidance”, “environment” sub-dimensions and the general scale, it was concluded that the mean score values of individuals who think that games are a little effective in activities are higher than the mean score values of individuals who think that games in activities are very effective (p<0.05). The opinions of the individuals about "in which faculty the recreation department should be" do not make a difference on the mean score values of the "general scale" and its sub-dimensions. According to the type of recreational activity that individuals do in their leisure time, the mean score values of the “general scale” and its sub-dimensions do not show a significant difference (p>0.05). As a result of the findings, when the factors that affect the selection of the recreational activity type of the students were examined, it was found that the highest factor was “age-appropriateness”. The statement with the lowest mean in the scale is “healthy life programs on TV”. In addition, it was concluded that the most effective factors in individuals' choices on the recreational activities were that the activities were personally suitable for them and the environment was also suitable